Studio Journal 1

I’ve been making oak gall ink for years and last year I started to broaden my palette. These particular works include eucalyptus leaf, avocado skin, ivy berry and oak gall ink. I have chosen these because they rank as the most permanent of natural colours and also because they feature either in my garden, my kitchen or are native wild plants (sustainably picked of course).

These works are part of a series of small work on etching paper titled Boundaries. Using ecological botanical inks which I make by hand, I then make the image using monotype and drawing techniques.

I am selling this work from my website as part of the Artist Support Pledge initiative. I'm aiming to post 5 small works every week.

Artist Support Pledge was started by artist Matthew Burrows @matthewburrowsstudio to help support artists through the COVID-19 pandemic.

The concept is simple, post images of your work to sell for no more than £200 each. Anyone can buy the work. Every time the artist generates £1000 of sales, they pledge to buy another artist’s work for £200 using the #artistsupportpledge hashtag.

Head to my purchase page for details on each piece